Amalaki (Emblica officinalis)
Botanical name : Phyllanthus emblica
Family name : Euphorbiaceae
English name : Indian Gooseberry
Common name : Amalaki
Synonyms : Vayastha, Vrishya, Jateephalarasa, Dhatri, Shriphala, Amritaphala, Amrita, Dhatriphala.
Habit : Deciduous tree
Useful parts : Fruits
Common Uses : Detoxifies the body and regulates digestion. Helps to increase lean body mass & reduce fats. A natural source of Vitamin C and is a powerful rejuvenating herb. The fruit is reputed to have the highest content of vitamin C of any natural occurring substances in nature. It promotes ojas and the reproductive fluids, and is useful in the treatment of ulcers and hyper acidity. Amla increases red blood cell count and hemoglobin percentages, and reduces cholesterol and  cholesterol induced atherosclerosis (Obstruction of the arteries), making it a useful natural product to fight obesity. It reduces or eliminates the risk of environmental pollutants, reduces or prevents cancer, detoxifies the body, regulates digestion, has inhibiting effects against the HIV virus, promotes metabolic function and can produce these results in a dried, natural, unprocessed form.
Indications : Detoxification and Rejuvenation, Diabetics, Ulcers, Bleeding disorders, urinary disorders, hypercholestremia, Vitamin C deficiency.
Product description : Amalaki rasayan vati, Chyavanaprash, Amalaki vati, Triphala.