New Product Launch
The first aid kit from Chakrapani is durable, easy to carry, and simple to open. They contain emergencyremedies for both internal and external usage. Chakrapani First aid kit is one you might want to keep on handat all times, as it may come in handy as all-natural first aid in the event of an emergency situation. Manyherbal treatments can have more profound effects than over the counter formulas. Herbal plant can alleviatemany of the situations that we can take care of on our own in the woods or at home. We are unaware thatmany useful plants have great healing properties and can be successfully used in emergency care.
Contemporary mainstream medicine recognizes the value of complementary therapies in the treatment andprevention of illness, giving you a host of options to choose from when caring for yourself. Herbal remedies,used for thousands of years by some cultures, are relatively new to many Westerners, but with a reasoned,cautious approach, you may find that they help yourself and your family members in gentle, soothing ways.So it is high time to replace your Synthetic First Aid Kit with this 100% herbal and effective Chakrapani FirstAid Kit. Herbal remedies are a great addition to any first aid kit. These time-tested first aid remedies areherbal must-haves for your modern family.
Sloka of the Month “Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam Aaturasya Vikara Prashamanam Cha”(Charaka Samhita – Sutra Sthana 30/26)
Meaning – To rejuvenate and preserve the health of the healthy and alleviate the disease of the sick.Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam – To prolong life and promote perfect health (add years to life and life to years )
Aturasya vikara prashamanam cha –To completely eradicate the disease and dysfunction of the body.
This concept of giving as much importance to ‘maintenance’ of health than treatment has earned a place even in WHO (World Health Organization) as the ‘only’ appropriate definition of health amongst all medical sciences.
Latest News on Ayurveda
Ayurveda makes transatlantic entry into Las Vegas
The recently held, ‘Second International Conference on Surgery and Anesthesia’ in Las Vegas had a unique and unlikely contributor Dr Ramesh Bhat presented a paper on a case study employing a 5000-years old Ayurvedic surgical technique called ‘Ksharasutra’ to treat anorectal disorders. It was the only presentation on Ayurvedic surgery among 48 renowned and experienced super-specialty surgeons who responded positively and are expecting many more such publications from Ayurveda surgeons.
Ksharasutra is being practiced in India with a high success rate to treat anal fistula. The incidence of recurrence is just 3.33 percent. It can very well be practiced even in other countries also. Dr. Bhat has, in 10 years, successfully treated approximately 2,500 patients.
BHU proposes informative leaflets with ayurvedic medicines
The faculty of ayurveda, Banaras Hindu University (BHU) has proposed to introduce Consumer Medicine Information (CMI) leaflets packed along with the packets of ayurvedic medicines to provide instructions and consumer guidelines on the line of other modern medicines. The CMI leaflet is a reference document which is given along with the medicines that consumers can take home and read to know necessary facts regarding the medicine.