Ashoka Capsule


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Botanical name – Saraca asoca

Family name – Caesalpiniaceae

English name – Ashoka Tree

Common name – Ashoka Tree

Habit Perennial – tree

Useful Parts – Fruit, root

Common Uses – Ashoka is reported to have a stimulating effect on uterine and ovarian tissue including menstrual cramps, some cases of uterine bleeding, uterine fibroids, hemorrhoids, internal bleeding, and in diseases of women. It will stop excessive bleeding, reduce leucorrhoea and relieve headaches. It is used to cure stones, respiratory diseases, anemia, general weakness, anorexia, lower back pains, piles, dysentery, and diabetes. The bark of the tree is also useful in treating scorpion-sting. Ashoka is also said to improve the complexion of the skin, preventing pimples, allergies, and burning sensations.

Indications – It is used internally in uterine disorders, menorrhagia, disorders of blood, diarrhea, dysentery, and skin disorders. Its seed is used internally in renal calculus and burning micturition.

Product description – It is the main ingredient in Ashok Ghrita and Sundarikalp Yog (Menopause help).